Total English Class 12 ICSE by Xavier Pinto | Latest Edition

Total English Class 12 ISC by Xavier Pinto for ISC Exam in after 2026

  • Publisher : Morning Star
  • Author: Xavier Pinto
  • Edition: 2025-26
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
  • Rs.400

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  • Description :

    Total English Class 12 ISC for isc exam in after 2026  As Per NEP  by Xavier Pinto , P. Pinto

    Total English -12 is a textbook of English for Class 12 of the ISC Course. The whole book has been designed to present an English Language Course. The Specimen Papers and the Model Test Paper given in this book are set according to the examination pattern followed by the CISCE for ISC Class 12. The book has four sections in each of its 15 Units. Section A: Skills for Creative Writing. Section B: Grammar Revision. Section C: Preposition exercises. Section D: Specimen Papers.

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